都立府中病院耳鼻咽喉科 | 論文
- 脳内誘発電位記録によるラットABR Binaural Interaction 起源の研究
- ラット下丘腕周囲の等電位地図の検討
- 橋グリオーマ5症例にみられた聴性誘発反応所見
- 鼻出血で判明した甲状腺乳頭癌蝶形骨洞転移の1例
- 当科における過去6年間の扁桃疾患の検討
- 両側被殻出血による中枢性聴覚障害の一例
- 特発性混合性喉頭麻痺の5例
- Therapeutic effect of Neuzym in chronic sinusitis evaluated by densitometry with the copper-step-wedge system.
- Congenital Stapedial Tendon Ossification; A Case Report.
- 反復性肺炎と抜去困難症:-カニューレ抜去の試み-
- Ectopic gastric mucosa in the cervical esophagus as a cause of abnormal sensation in the throat.
- Calcium entry blocker flunarizine for treatment of sudden deafness.
- Diagnosis of cerebellopontine angle lesions with slight hearing impairment.
- External auditory canal cholesteatoma.
- Ear fullness and sudden sensorineural low tone hearing loss.
- Choriocarcinoma metastatic to the tonsil - Report of a case.
- Laser arytenoidectomy for the treatment of bilateral vocal cord paralysis; a case report.:A Case Report
- A Report of Hereditary Mondini Type Inner Malformation.
- Primary Cyst in the Mastoid:A Case Report
- 高分解能CTによる真珠腫症例の中耳換気通路の観察