日本歯科大学新潟歯学部 第2口腔外科 | 論文
- 4) 口腔粘膜の色素沈着と悪性黒色腫について : 当科における過去13年間の臨床的検討 (〈シンポジウム〉悪性黒色腫の現況と治療)
- 腎不全透析療法患者における口腔症状-1-スクリ-ニング診査結果
- 腎不全透析療法患者における口腔症状 : その1: スクリーニング診査結果
- 腎不全透析療法患者における口腔症状 : その2: 歯槽硬線の検討
- 石灰化歯原性嚢胞の1例
- 慢性腎不全患者 (非透析例) の口腔症状 : その1: スクリーニング結果
- 放線菌塊を多数伴った顎嚢胞の1例
- A case of squamous cell carcinoma of the lip region that was treated using a combination of radiotherapy and intraarterial chemotherapy.
- Experimental analysis of the chemically induced carcinoma. The 1st experiment. 1. Gross and microscopic observation, postulated the two range passway for the carcinoma.:The 1st experiment: 1. Gross and microscopic observation, postulated the two range pas
- Current conception of our hyperthermia therapy for head and neck cancer.
- Concentrations of FT-207 and 5-FU in blood and tumor of head and neck cancer patients along the process of time after administration of UFT.
- Two-phase carcinogenesis on the DMBA induced carcinoma.
- Malignant melanoma of uvula complicated with granulomatous hepatitis in BCG immunotherapy: Report of a case.
- Experimental and clinical study of the influence by metal and mandibular bone in radiofrequency capacitive hyperthermia.
- Metastatic gingival sarcoma originated breast carcinosarcoma: Report of a necropsied case
- TM-implant for the reconstructed mandible: Report of a case.
- ^Tc MDPシンチと^Gaシンチを用いた悪性腫瘍骨浸潤症例の検討-高度に下顎骨浸潤した症例について-
- Clinical investigation on external dental fistula.
- Clinical evaluation of enteric nutrient MA-7 in the oral and maxillofacial regions.
- Clinical study on osteoradionecrosis of the jaws.