広島大学歯学部口腔外科学第2講座 | 論文
- A case of lipoma of the cheek with clinically diagnostic difficulties from the lesional state.
- 上顎に発生した悪性線維性組織球腫の1例-電顕ならびに免疫組織化学的検索-
- ヒト口腔扁平上皮癌細胞株 (KGK) の樹立とその性状
- 下顎下縁に発生した周辺性骨腫の1例とその発生に関する考察
- A study on cefotiam-hexetil transfer to serum and oral tissues.
- A case of hemangiopericytoma of the buccal mucosa. An immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study with review of the literature.:An immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study with review of the literature
- Osteosarcoma arising in the mandibular fibrous dysplasia of polyostotic type: A case report and a review of the literature.
- Nutritional management by tube feeding and its clinical evaluation in the early stage after oral surgery.
- Multivariate cytoanalysis of oral cancer.
- Clinical evaluation of Cefmetazole (CMZ) in the field of oral surgery.