北陸大学薬学部:北陸大学学術フロンティア研究組織 | 論文
- Induction of Decorin Core Protein Synthesis by Advanced Glycation Endproducts in Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells(PROCEEDINGS OF 24TH SYMPOSIUM ON TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH)
- Remodeling of Vascular Endothelial Glycocalyx by Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on Toxicology and Environmental Health)
- B-18 TGF-βによる増殖期血管内皮細胞のプロテオグリカン産生の制御
- Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells in Culture Are Highly Sensitive to Cadmium Cytotoxicity without Species-Related Differences : Comparison with Chang Liver Cells
- Induction of Metallothionein by Thrombin in Cultured Vascular Endothelial and Smooth Muscle Cells
- Stimulation of Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation by Thrombospondin Is Potentiated by Zinc
- Characterization of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha-Induced Alteration of Glycosaminoglycans in Cultured Cells : Comparison among Vascular Smooth-Muscle Cells, Vascular Endothelial Cells, Chang Liver Cells and LLC-PK1 Cells
- Effects of Cadmium and Lead on the Release of Fibrinolytic Proteins from Vascular Endothelial Cells, Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Fibroblasts (Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Toxicology and Environmental Health)
- Correlation between the Physicochemical Property of Some Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and Changes in Adenosine Triphosphate, Glutathione and Hemoglobin in Rat Erythrocytes(Biopharmacy)
- A8 ウシ網膜周皮細胞が産生するプロテオグリカンの特性
- Effects of Aspirin and/or Salicylate on Hydrolysis and Glucuronidation of Indomethacin in Rat Erythrocytes and Hepatocytes
- A Novel Transmetallation of Triarylstibanes into Arylboronate : Boro-induced Ipso-deantimonation and Its Theoretical Calculation
- An Organobismuth Compound that Exhibits Selective Cytotoxicity to Vascular Endothelial Cells in Vitro
- Mechanism of Cadmium Stimulation on the Production of Fibrinolytic Proteins in Vascular Endothelial Cells (Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on Toxicology and Environmental Health)
- Modulation by Endothelin-1 of Tissue Plasminogen Activator and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Release from Cultured Human Vascular Endothelial Cells : Interaction of Endothelin-1 with Cytokines
- Inhibition of Cultured Bovine Aortic Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation by Colominic Acid(Pharmacology)
- Differential Effects of Sodium Spirulan on the Secretion of Fibrinolytic Proteins from Vascular Endothelial Cells : Enhancement of Plasminogen Activator Activity
- Proteoglycan Synthesis is Not Influenced by Zinc in Proliferating Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells in Culture
- Disaccharide Composition of Glycosaminoglycan Chains in Growing Vascular Endothelial Cells in Culture after Exposure to Lead
- Inhibitory but Reversible Effect of Rhodamine B on the Proliferation of Cultured Human Lip Fibroblasts