京都府立医科大学第三内科学 | 論文
- 十二指腸球部隆起性異所性胃底腺粘膜の検討 : 胃型上皮との差異について
- 胃悪性リンパ腫の超音波内視鏡像 : 4症例についての検討
- 十二指腸炎の組織学的検討 : 内視鏡所見との対比
- 膵胆管合流異常に合併した胆嚢 Papillomatous Cholesterosis の1例
- 食道静脈瘤硬化療法後の食道機能変化について : 内圧面からの検討
- 総胆管良性隆起性病変の2症例
- :The Effect of Cysteamine on the Duodenal Mucus
- Morphometrical studies on structural alterations of gastric glands induced in rat by repeated administration of human bile.
- Clinical Study on Diverticular Disease of the Colon
- Changes in hexosamine metabolism in rat gastric mucosa following oral administration of acetic acid-glycerin mixture. Histochemical and biochemical analyses.:Histochemical and biochemical analyses
- Two cases of ulcerative colitis with colon cancer: Immunoperoxidase staining using monoclonal antibodies against gastrointestinal tumor and mucin staining.:Immunoperoxidase staining using monoclonal antibodies agaist gastrointestinal tumor and mucin stain