家弓 実行 | 農林省茶業試験場
鳥屋尾 忠之
家弓 実行
松下 繁
安間 舜
勝尾 清
鳥屋尾 忠之
安間 舜
家弓 実行
黒木 重光
- 茶樹の個体選抜の段階における諸形質の相関関係と遺伝分析(第1報) : 28年度交配個体の発芽期・生育収量・品質・葉の大きさ等の統計遺伝分析
- 紅茶用新登録品種「べにひかり」
- 茶樹の裂傷型凍害抵抗性の早期検定 : 第3報 新芽の生長ならびに形成層活性と抵抗性
- 茶樹の裂傷型凍害抵抗性の早期検定 : 第1報 凍害の様相と抵抗性の品種間差異
- 発芽時の高温で誘発される茶種子の幼芽の異常肥大について
- Measurement of the Frost Hardiness in Black Tea Variety Using the Freezing Test of Matured Leaves (Part 1):Standardizing the Method of Measuring the Frost Hardiness and Responses of Tea Varieties to the Various Conditions of Freezing
- Measurement of the Frost Hardiness in Black Tea Varieties Using the Freezing Test of Matured Leaves (Part 2):An Evaluation of the Frost Injury by Measuring the Electric Conductivity of Exosmosis of Tea Leaves
- Simple Methods of Judging the Qualities of Black Tea for Individual Selection Work in Tea Plant Breeding (Part 2):Relationships between the Fermentation Abilities in the Raikai Tea Manufacturing and the Qualities of Black Tea
- The Germination of Tea Seed (Part 2):Accelerating Effect of Pre-Treatment on the Seed Germination
- Simple Methods of Judging the Qualities of Black Tea for Individual Selection Work in Tea Plant Breeding (Part 1):Relationships among the Chloroform Test, Tannin Content and the Qualities of Black Tea
- Simple Methods of Judging the Qualities of Black Tea for Individual Selection Work in the Tea Plant Breeding (Part 3):Some Considerations on the Raikai Tea Manufacturing
- Germination of Tea Seeds (Part 3):Abnormal Growth of Plumule Caused by High Temperature during the Germination
- The Germination of Tea Seed (Part 1):Relation of the Picking Period and Conditions for Storage to the Seed Germination
- Return Preiod of the Late Frost Damage Influenced by Earliness of Bud Opening of Tea Clones
- The Test of Local Adaptability of Tea Varieties for Black Tea in Kyushû Region (Part 2):The Growth and the Ability to Survive over the Winter of Four to Six Years Old Plant
- Young Plant Testing for Important Characters in Tea Breeding (Part 1):Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis between the Yield and the Characters of Shoot in Clones for Black Tea