Ajioka Yoichi | Division Of Molecular And Diagnostic Pathology Department Of Molecular Genetics Graduate School Of M
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- 同名の論文著者
- Division Of Molecular And Diagnostic Pathology Department Of Molecular Genetics Graduate School Of Mの論文著者
Ajioka Yoichi
Division Of Molecular Diagnostic Pathology Niigata University Medical And Dental Hospital
Ajioka Y
Divisions Of Molecular And Diagnostic Pathology Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences Niiga
Ajioka Yoichi
新潟大学 医歯学総合研究科消化器・一般外科学分野
Ajioka Yoichi
新潟大学 医歯学総合研究科消化器内科学
Ajioka Yoichi
Division Of Molecular And Functional Pathology Niigata University
Yoichi Ajioka
The First Department Of Pathology Niigata University Schoolof Medicine
BABA Youichiro
Division of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology, Department of Molecular Genetics, Niigata University
Ajioka Youichi
Divison Of Molecular And Diagnostic Pathology Niigata University
Ajioka Yoichi
獨協医科大学 病理学人体分子
Ajioka Yoichi
新潟大学 医歯総合研究 遺伝子制御
- Sequential adenovirus infection of type 14 hemorrhagic cystitis and type 35 generalized infection after cord blood transplantation
- Analyses of p53 Overexpression, Aberrant β-Catenin Expression, Microsatellite Instability, and K-ras Mutation in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma with and without Hepatolithiasis
- p21^ and Ki-67 Expression of Serrated Adenoma of the Colorectum : An Investigation of Cell Differentiation/Maturation and its Relationship with Cell Proliferation
- Proliferation kinetics and apoptosis of serrated adenoma of the colorectum
- Correlations between lymph node metastasis and depth of submucosal invasion in submucosal invasive colorectal carcinoma : a Japanese collaborative study
- The Absence of a Significant Role for β-Catenin in the Tumorigenesis of the Serrated Adenoma of the Colorectum : A Comparative Study with the Traditional Tubular Colorectal Adenoma
- Curative Resection Performed Twice for Circular-Staple-Line Recurrence After Colorectal Carcinoma Surgery : Report of a Case
- Clinicopathologic characteristics of clinically relevant cytomegalovirus infection in inflammatory bowel disease
- Toxic megacolon associated with cytomegalovirus infection in ulcerative colitis
- Lymph Node Metastasis and Micrometastasis of Submucosal Invasive Colorectal Carcinoma: An Indicator of the Curative Potential of Endoscopic Treatment