Kim S‐h | Wonkwang Univ. Jeonbuk Kor
Kim S‐h
Wonkwang Univ. Jeonbuk Kor
YOU In-Kyu
Micro-Electronics Technology Laboratory, ETRI
Kim S‐h
Dept. Of Semiconductor Science Wonkwang University
Kim Shi-ho
Micro-electronics Technology Laboratory Etri
You In-kyu
Micro-electronics Technology Lab. Etri
Lee Won-jae
Micro-electronics Laboratory Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute
Lee Won-jae
Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute
Kim Bo
Micro-electronics Technology Laboratory Etri
LEE Won-Jae
Micro-Electronics Technology Laboratory, ETRI
KIM Shi-Ho
Micro-Electronics Technology Laboratory, ETRI
YU Byoung-Gon
Micro-Electronics Technology Laboratory, ETRI
Cho Chae-Ryung
Micro-Electronics Technology Laboratory, ETRI
Shin Chang-Ho
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Lee Won-jae
Research Center For Electronic Ceramics (rcec) Department Of Advanced Materials Engineering Dong-eui
Yu B‐g
It Convergence And Component Laboratory Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute
Yu Byoung-gon
Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute
Yu Byoung-gon
Micro-electronics Laboratory Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute
Cho C‐r
Micro-electronics Technology Laboratory Etri
Cho Chae-ryong
Micro-electronics Laboratory Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute
You In-kyu
Basic Research Laboratory Electronics And Telecomunications Research Institute (etri)
Lee Won-jae
Electronic Ceramic Materials Research Center Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Kim B
Micro-electronics Laboratory Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute
Kim Bo-woo
Micro-electronics Laboratory Electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute
Lee Hee-Chul
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
YU Byoung-Gon
IT Convergence and Component Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
Yu Byoung
Micro-electronics Technology Lab. Etri
Lee Won
Micro-electronics Technology Lab. Etri
Kim Shi-ho
Dept. Of Semiconductor Science Wonkwang University
Cho Chae-ryung
Micro-electronics Technology Laboratory Etri
Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Kohwang Medical Research Institute, Kyung Hee Unive
CHO Chae-Ryong
Micro-Electronics Technology Laboratory, ETRI
SHIN Chang
Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Kim Sun-ho
Division Of Electronics And Information Technology Korea Institute Of Science And Technology
Lee Hee
Department Of Chemistry Pohang University Of Science And Technology
Kim S‐h
Kookmin Univ. Seoul Kor
Chung Y
Kyungpook National Univ. Daegu Kor
KIM Byoung-Sung
Department of Electronic Communications Eng., School of Electronics Eng., Kwangwoon University
CHUNG Youngchul
Department of Electronic Communications Eng., School of Electronics Eng., Kwangwoon University
Kim Byoung-sung
Department Of Electronic Communications Eng. School Of Electronics Eng. Kwangwoon University
Lee Hee
Department Of Anesthesiology And Pain Medicine Hanyang University College Of Medicine
- Etching Behavior and Damage Recovery of SrBi_2Ta_2O_9 Thin Films
- The Etching Behaviors of Pt/SrBi_2Ta_2O_9/NO/Si Structure for MFIS in NDRO-Type FRAM
- The Etching Behaviors of Pt/SrBi_2Ta_2O_9/NO/Si Structure for MFIS in NDRO-Type FRAM
- The Etching Behaviors of Pt/SrBi_2Ta_2O_9/NO/Si Structure for MFIS in NDRO-Type FRAM
- A Non-destructive Readout Single Transistor FRAM with Floating Well structures
- A Non-destructive Readout Single Transistor FRAM with Floating Well structures
- A Non-destructive Readout Single Transistor FRAM with Floating Well structures
- Dynamic Analysis of Widely Tunable Laser Diodes Integrated with Sampled- and Chirped-Grating Distributed Bragg Reflectors and an Electroabsorption Modulator