Yamashino Takafumi | Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Yamashino Takafumi
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Yamashino T
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
MIZUNO Takeshi
Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, School of Agriculture, Nagoya University
Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, School of Agriculture, Nagoya University
Mizuno Takeshi
Laboratory Of Molecular Microbiology School Of Agriculture Nagoya University
Mizuno Takeshi
Lab. Of Molecular Microbiology School Of Agriculture Nagoya Univ.
Mizuno T
Laboratory Of Molecular Microbiology School Of Agriculture Nagoya University
Mizuno T
Lab. Of Molecular Microbiology School Of Agriculture Nagoya Univ.
MIZUNO Takeshi
School of Agriculture, Nagoya University
Nakamichi Norihito
Riken Yokohama Jpn
- A genetic study of the arabidopsis circadian clock with reference to the Timing of Cab Expression 1 (TOC1) gene
- A Link between Cytokinin and ASL9 (ASYMMETRIC LEAVES 2 LIKE 9) That Belongs to the AS2/LOB (LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES) Family Genes in Arabidopsis thaliana
- AHK5 Histidine Kinase Regulates Root Elongation Through an ETR1-Dependent Abscisic Acid and Ethylene Signaling Pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Simple construction of plant RNAi vectors using long oligonucleotides
- Characterization of the Rice Circadian Clock-Associated Pseudo-Response Regulators in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Characterization of a Set of Phytochrome-Interacting Factor-Like bHLH Proteins in Oryza sativa
- Comparative Overviews of Clock-Associated Genes of Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa
- Type-B ARR Transcription Factors, ARR10 and ARR12, are Implicated in Cytokinin-Mediated Regulation of Protoxylem Differentiation in Roots of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Characterization of Genetic Links between Two Clock-Associated Genes, GI and PRR5 in the Current Clock Model of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Expression of the Cytokinin-Induced Type-A Response Regulator Gene ARR9 Is Regulated by the Circadian Clock in Arabidopsis thaliana