KATO Tomohiko | Kazusa DNA Research Institute
KATO Tomohiko
Kazusa DNA Research Institute
RIKEN Plant Science Center
Kinoue Tomoyo
Kagoshima Univ. Kagoshima Jpn
TABATA Satoshi
Kazusa DNA Research Institute
Kato Takahiko
Kazusa Dna Research Institute
柿本 辰男
Department Of Biology Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Kato Takahiko
Department Of Chemistry And Bioscience Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University
Kaneko Takakazu
Department Of Life Science Faculty Of Agriculture Kagawa University
SATO Shusei
Kazusa DNA Research Institute
Sato S
Kazusa Dna Res. Inst. Chiba Jpn
- モデルマメ科植物ミヤコグサのスプリットルート法を用いた根粒形成のオートレギュレーションに関する研究
- Symbiotic Rhizobium and Nitric Oxide Induce Gene Expression of Non-symbiotic Hemoglobin in Lotus japonicus
- Expression of Symbiotic and Nonsymbiotic Globin Genes Responding to Microsymbionts on Lotus japonicus
- Analyses of expression and phenotypes of knockout lines for Arabidopsis ABCF subfamily members
- Arabidopsis VIP6/ELF8, the homolog of CTR9 component of the transcriptional complex PAF1, is essential for plant development
- 8-20 Screening of Mesorhizobium loti mutants for symbiotic N_2 fixation in Lotus japonicus
- Gene trap strategy, an effective tool for identification of novel genes expressed in anther tissues in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Expression analysis of gene trap lines and mapping of donor loci for Dissociation transposition in Arabidopsis
- Mutants of Circadian-Associated PRR Genes Display a Novel and Visible Phenotype as to Light Responses during De-Etiolation of Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings
- Gene Trapping in Arabidopsis Reveals Genes Involved in Vascular Development