宮田 秀明 | Department of Naval Architecture,The University of Tokyo
宮田 秀明
Department of Naval Architecture,The University of Tokyo
宮田 秀明
梶谷 尚
Department of Naval Architecture,The University of Tokyo
金井 誠
金井 誠
Department of Naval Architecture,The University of Tokyo
金井 誠
Department Of Naval Architecture And Ocean Engineering The University Of Tokyo
青木 清平
青木 清平
いすゞ自動車(株) Rv設計部
青木 清平
Graduate School, Department of Naval Architecture, The University of Tokyo
李 永吉
Department Of Naval Architecture And Ocean Engineering Inha University Korea
土屋 好寛
松川 直
Graduate School,Department of Naval Architecture,The University of Tokyo
土屋 好寛
Department of Naval Architecture, The University of Tokyo
土屋 好寛
増子 章
松川 直
Graduate School Department Of Naval Archiecture The University Of Tokyo
土屋 好寛
Department Of Naval Architecture The University Of Tokyo
佐藤 徹
西村 信一
Graduate School. Department Of Natural Architecture. The University Of Tokyo (present Afliliation Is
鈴木 規之
久住 昇三
鈴木 規之
Graduate School,Department of Naval Architecture,The University of Tokyo
久住 昇三
Department of Naval Architecture,The University of Tokyo
河野 健
Graduate School Department Of Naval Architecture The University Of Tokyo:japan Marine Science And Te
山田 義博
Graduate School Department Of Naval Architecture And Ocean Engineering University Of Tokyo
白井 幹人
Graduate School, Department of Naval Architecture, The University oi Tokyo
佐藤 徹
Graduate School, Department of Naval Architecture, The University oi Tokyo
日野 孝則
馬場 信弘
日野 孝則
Graduate School, Department of Naval Architecture, The University of Tokyo
朱 明
馬場 信弘
Graduate School, The University of Tokyo.
川村 隆文
Tsuchiya Yoshihiro
Department of Cardiology, Fukuoka University School of Medicine
大森 拓也
青木 清平
Kawasaki Heavy Industries,Co.(Graduate School,The University of Tokyo during this work)
増子 章
Research Institute, IHI
仁藤 雅夫
Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
長浜 光康
Hitachi Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd.
増子 章
Department of Naval Architecture, The University of Tokyo
梶谷 尚
Graduate School, Department of Naval Architecture, The University of Tokyo
竹内 進
Graduate School The University Of Tokyo
足達 宏之
足達 宏之
Tsuchiya Yoshihiro
Department Of Naval Architecure The University Of Tokyo
足達 宏之
Ship Research Instititute
LIN Yeun
National Taiwan University
Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Te
秋藤 俊介
Graduate School, Department of Naval Architecture, University of Tokyo
羽場 睦夫
Graduate School, Department of Naval Architecture, University of Tokyo
鈴木 嗣
Graduate School, The University of Tokyo
林 允進
Graduate School, The University of Tokyo
Khalil Gazi
Department Of Naval Architecture And Marine Engineering Bangladesh University Of Engineering And Tec
Tominaga Hiroyuki
Sasebo Heavy Industries Co.
鈴木 嗣
Graduate School The University Of Tokyo:(present Affiliation Is Ishikawajima-harima Heavy Industries
羽場 睦夫
Graduate School Department Of Naval Architecture University Of Tokyo
長浜 光康
Hitachi Shipbuilding And Engineering Co. Ltd.
秋藤 俊介
増子 章
Graduate School, Department of Naval Architecture, The University of Tokyo
仁藤 雅夫
Graduate School, The University of Tokyo
川村 典正
post-graduate student of the University of Tokyo
川村 典正
Post-graduate Student Of The University Of Tokyo:(presenta Address)nissan Motor Co. Ltd.
勝又 正人
Toyota Motor Co. Ltd.,
李 永吉
Graduate School, Department of Naval Architecture, University of Tokyo
MIYATA Hideaki
Department of Environmental and Ocean Engineering, University of Tokyo
朱 明
Department of Naval Architecture, University of Tokyo
河野 健
Department of Naval Architecture, University of Tokyo
高井 通夫
Hiratsuka Research Laboratory, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.
朱 明
Graduate School, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Department of Naval Architecure, The University of Tokyo
IWASE Shunichi
The Shipbuilding Reseach Centre
ICHIJU Katsuhiko
Nippon Kokan Co.
Kajitani Hisashi
Department Of Naval Architecure The University Of Tokyo
Miyata Hideaki
Department Of Naval Architecure The University Of Tokyo
Miyata Hideaki
Department Of Environmental & Ocean Engineering School Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
高井 通夫
Hiratsuka Research Laboratory Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd.
大森 拓也
株式会社ihi 技術開発本部
Tsuchiya Yoshihiro
Department Of Cardiology Fukuoka University School Of Medicine
川村 隆文
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, University of Tokyo
大森 拓也
Graduate School, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, University of Tokyo
勝又 正人
Toyota Motor Co. Ltd. :graduate School University Of Tokyo
- Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Nonlinear Bow and Stern Waves of A Two-dimensional Body (Second Report)
- Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Nonlinear Bow and Stern Waves of a Two-Dimensional Body (First Report)
- A Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Waves Generated by Ships of Arbitrary Waterline (Second Report)
- A Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Waves Generated by Ships of Arbitrary Waterline (Fist Report)
- Numerical Analysis of Free Surface Shock Waves around Bow by Modified MAC-Method : Third Report
- Free Surface Shock Waves and Methods for Hull Form Improvement : Second Report
- Characteristics of Free Surface Shock Waves around Wedge Models : Second Report
- Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Nonlinear Bow and Stern Waves of a Two-Dimensional Body(4th Report) : Simulation of Breaking Waves and Experimental Analysis
- On the Optimization of the Aft-Part of Fine Hull Forms (Third Report)
- Numerical and Experimental Study of a Flow past a Submerged Mountain Ridge in Shallow Water
- An Experimental Study of the Nonlinear Wave Forces on Horizontal Cylinders
- Wave Formation about a Ship Bow Advancing in Head Seas
- A Numerical Solution Method for Nonlinear Shallow Water Waves (Second Report)
- Numerical Analysis of Free Surface Shock Waves around Bow by Modified MAC-Method : First Report
- On the Optimization of the Aft-Part of Fine Hull Forms (Second Report)
- Shallow Water Flow with Separation and Breaking Wave
- Finite-Difference Simulation of Ship Waves by the TUMMAC-IV Method and Its Application to Hull-Form Design
- Numerical Analysis of Free Surface Shock Waves around Bow by Modified MAC-Method : Second Report
- Free Surface Shock Waves and Methods for Hull Form Improvement : First Report
- Experimental Investigation on the Resistance Component Due to Free Surface Shock Waves on Series Ship Models
- A Finite-Difference Simulation Method for 2D Flows about Bodies of Arbitrary Configuration
- A Finite-Difference Simulation Method for Strongly Interacting Two-Layer Flow〔含 討論〕
- Numerical Simulation of the Pseudo-Physical Transition to a Turbulent Flow on a Suddenly Stopped Flat-Plate with and without Riblets
- Numerical Study of Some Wave-Breaking Problems by a Finite-Difference Method
- A Finite-Volume Method for the Unsteady Flow about a Ship in Generalized Coordinate Systems
- Simulations of a Viscous Flow around a Circular Cylinder by a Higher-Order Accurate Difference Method
- Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Nonlincar Bow and Stern Waves of A Two-Dimensional Body (Third Report) : Numerical Simulation Method for Breaking Waves
- A Numerical Solution Method for Shallow Water Waves : First Report
- Resistance Reduction by a Horizontal-Bow-Fin and a Movable Bulb
- Computational Study of Large Eddy Structure of Flows past Bluff Body and Oceanic Topography
- A Finite-Difference Method for a Separating Flow Past a Body of Arbitrary Geometry in Rectangular Coordinate Systems
- Simulation of Nonlinear Ship Flows by Density-Function Method-2-〔含 討論〕
- Oblique Tow Simulation by a Finite-Volume Method