東京帝国大学地震研究所,Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University,地震研究所 | 論文
- 7. 鹿野斷層附近に於ける地電位差變化
- On the Mechanism of the Great Sagami Bay Earthquake on September 1, 1923
- 16. 水平及上下に同時に動く振動臺の製作
- 20. 地球の塑性状態に及ぼす重力及び冷却の働き(第3報)
- 21. 任意の深さの海に於けろ津波の傳播について
- 統計地震学に於けるSchwankungの理論の応用
- 土佐海岸に於ける近く表面の高低に就て
- 水成岩層の地震波傅播に及ぼす影響
- On the Propagation of Rayleigh-ivaves in Dispersive Elastic Media.
- On the Problem of Instabilities of Higher Orders in a Seismometer. III. Experiments with a New Vertical Vibration Table.
- A Fault Surface or a Block Absorbs Seismic Wave Energy.
- On the Initial Movement of a Seismograph subjected to an Arbitrary Earthquake Motion, Solved with Operational Calculus. II.
- Temperature Distribution within a Semi-gaseous Earth. Part III.
- The Effect of Distribution of Heat-generating Sources on the Temperature Gradient in the Earth's Crust.
- Thermodynamical Origin of the Earth's Core. 1.
- On the Problem of Instabilities of Higher Orders in a Seismometer. I.
- On the Initial Movement of a Seismograph subjected to an Arbitrary Earthquake Motion, Solved with Operational Calculus. I.
- Transmission of Arbitrary Elastic Waves from a Spherical Source, Solved with Operational Calculus. I.
- On the Problem of Instabilities of Higher Orders in a Seismometer. II.
- 丹後地震に於ける建築物の被害に就て