有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会 | 論文
- Comparison of oral conditions of Tibetans from three different areas I. Eruption of wisdom teeth.:Eruption of Wisdom Teeth
- The mode of inhibiting action of Ca/P ratio in a caries-inducing diet, 6PMV, in rats.
- Comparison of Oral Conditions of Tibetans from Three Different Areas. II. Tooth Caries of Deciduous Teeth.:Tooth Caries of Deciduous Teeth
- In vitro and in vivo degradation of human dental plaque by mutanase.
- Inhibition of glucan synthesis by antiserum against purified 1,3-.ALPHA.-D-glucan synthase from Streptococcus sobrinus.
- Microstructure of Lased-Demineralized Enamel Visualiged by TEM and SAED Techniques.
- タイトル無し
- Comparison of Oral Conditions of Tibetans from three Different Areas III. Caries of Permanent Teeth.:Caries of Permanent Teeth
- Interaction of alkaline phosphatase purified from bacteroides gingivalis 381 with divalent metal ions.
- The relationship between the density of lead levels in the air and in saliva of workers in lead-related working environments.
- Microdetermination of cadmium in saliva.
- Comparison of Oral Conditions of Tibetans from Three Different Areas. IV. Occlusal Features.:Occlusal Features
- Effect to apatite-containing dentifrices on dental caries in school children.
- 小学校において6年間フッ化物局所応用法を実施した児童の20歳におけるう蝕効果
- 岐阜県におけるフッ化物配合歯磨剤の利用状況
- Fluoride distribution and dissolution rate of enamel in acid in rat incisors. (I). Fluoride distribution.:(I) Fluoride Distribution
- Change of the Explorer Point on the Mass Dental Examination.
- Fluoride distribution and dissolution rate of enamel in acid in rat incisors. (II). Dissolution rate of enamel in acid.:(II) Dissolution Rate of Enamel in Acid
- Isolation and some properties of bacterial binding adhesin from culture medium of Bacteroides gingivalis 381.
- フッ素濃度100ppm, 250ppmおよび500ppmのフッ化物洗口法のう蝕予防効果に関する野外研究