Comparison of Oral Conditions of Tibetans from three Different Areas III. Caries of Permanent Teeth.:Caries of Permanent Teeth
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a comparative study was made in Karakoram (Goma village, 1974), northwest Nepal (Simikot village, 1983) and Yunnan province (Sinong village, 1989). Japanese data (1987) was used for comparison.<BR>1) In Goma and Simikot, the number of cases of permanent tooth caries was extremely small. On the other hand, it was very great in Sinong and Japan.<BR>2) The patterns of DFT can be divided into two groups: one group includes Sinong and Japan, the other Goma and Simikot.<BR>3) The DFT rate according to the location of teeth. The patterns can be divided into two groups, Sinong and Japan, Goma and Simikot.<BR>4) Caries surfaces: in Simikot, there was not a great difference between the number of cases of occlusal, proximal or distal and labiolingual surface caries. In Sinong, both upper and lower jaws had a great number of cases of occlusal surface caries, but the difference between the surfaces decreased according to age.<BR>5) The transition of caries grade: in the three Tibetan areas, the ratio of C<SUB>4</SUB> to all carious teeth was quite similar.<BR>6) Missing teeth: in Goma, where the number of caries cases was extremely small, the number of missing teeth was the greatest after 35 years of age, probably because of severe attrition.<BR>7) Caries ratio of three molar teeth:<BR>Second and third molars: caries increase patterns were similar in the three Tibetan areas and in Japan.<BR>First molar: in Sinong, caries increased rapidly after eruption, Goma and Japan followed Sinong and in Simikot, caries increased very slowly.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会 | 論文
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