有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会 | 論文
- 象牙質におよぼすFluoride Varnishの影響について
- Direct measurement of occlusal surface morphology of permanent molar teeth.
- DENTAL STUDIES OF SOME SURVEYS ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE ADULTS IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS (2):Some Relations between the Expenses and the Time Reserve, -Hours of Cases Necessary for Medical Examinations and the Treatments of Dental Caries, Keeping the Assortm
- 歯科診療室の至適温度条件に関する研究
- 蔗糖の歯質脱灰性に関する研究
- Marginal Adaptation of Fixed Prostheses and Root Caries on Extracted Teeth.
- 男性成人における皮膚色および喫煙習慣の歯肉色素沈着との関係について
- A study on the location of dental practices in Japan.
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- Serotype specific antigens of Bacteroides gingivalis.
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- 歯石形成における細菌の役割
- Factors in dental caries of first molar.
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- Characteristics of the scrub brushing method, and the relationship between brushing force, the frequency of brushing strokes, and plaque removal.
- An Analysis of Oral Disease and Clinical Examination Data from Outpatients in a Preventive Dentistry Clinic.
- Prevention of experimental periodontal disease by immunization with cell surface antigen extracted from Actinomyces viscosus.