公益社団法人 農業農村工学会 | 論文
- ダイズ作付け期間中の深さ別土壌水分量の変化による地下水位制御システム(FOEAS)の機能評価
- Setting of Intrinsic Rate of Natural Increase for Modeling Reproductive Processes of Fish Populations Accompanied with Networked Water Areas
- Variations in Compressive Strength of Geopolymer due to the CaO Added Fly Ash
- Comparison of Characteristic of Water Balance between Evergreen Coniferous and Deciduous Broad-leaved Forests
- 正誤訂正 : 聞き取り調査による農地石垣崩壊の要因の検討[農業農村工学会論文集 Vol. 81 (2013) No. 3 p. 263-270]
- Simulation Model for Estimating Reproductive Processes of Fish Populations Living within Networked Habitat Areas
- メタン発酵消化液の水田への異なる施用方法が水田土壌中の窒素動態およびイネの生育に及ぼす影響
- 流域水循環のモデル化における低平河川からの氾濫過程の導入方法
- 熱収支フラックス比法による気体フラックスの推定
- 非灌漑期の農業水路における魚類の越冬場造成の試み
- Factors That Influence the Willingness of Resident Group Members to Participate in Activities to Maintain Irrigation/Drainage Canals:— The Sangouzeki area in Yamagata Prefecture —
- 埋設パイプラインの安全性照査のための曲げひずみ推定手法
- The Model Experiments and Finite Element Analysis on Deformation and Failure by Excavation of Grounds in Foregoing-roof Method
- Analyzing the Present State of Assistance Projects to Evaluate Sustainability for Participatory Irrigation Management:— Case of eight technical cooperation projects by Japan's official development assistance —
- 用排水路の維持管理における非農家住民の労力負担構造の分析:― 働きかけが可能な要因に着目して ―
- Impact of On-Farm Pond on Agricultural Diversification in Rainfed Agricultural Area in Northeast Thailand
- Estimation of Evaporation from Drying Soil Column with Different Initial Soil Water Content by Maximum Soil Surface Temperature
- Examination of Recovery from Salinization of Agricultural Area in Tamil Nadu State, INDIA due to the December 2004 Tsunami
- Estimation of Average Shear Strength Parameters along the Slip Surface Based on the Shear Strength Diagram of Landslide Soils:—Shimajiri-mudstone landslides, Okinawa—
- 堰基礎地盤浸透破壊問題での浸透路長の有効性の再検討と弾塑性有限要素解析の適用