一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会 | 論文
- 新しい経腸栄養剤IMPACTとPEMVestを用いた急性期脳卒中患者栄養管理成績
- Cerebral ischemia and apoptosis
- Arteriovenous malformation associated with occluded middle cerebral artery.
- タイトル無し
- 脳動脈硬化と脳循環障害
- Detection of remediable area by perfusion and metabolic imaging in the patients with acute cerebral ischemia
- 血管性認知障害のリハビリテーション 慢性期脳卒中の栄養状態と認知機能,運動機能の検討
- Statin trial for secondary prevention of ischemic stroke: J-STARS:J-STARS
- 脳静脈血栓症および硬膜下血腫を合併した特発性脳脊髄液減少症の1例
- Cerebral arteriovenous malformations in elderly.
- 脳梗塞発症早期に高度高血圧を呈した症例の臨床的検討
- Crossed cerebellar atrophy in cases with cerebrovascular disease. Inestigation using X-ray computed tomography.:Inestigation using X-ray computed tomography
- Fatal brain edema induced by a combination of intraventricular hemorrhage and bilateral carotid artery occlusion in the rat.
- Etiopathogenesis of subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy (Binswanger's type).
- 出血発症もやもや病に対する血行再建術後,recipientに用いた中大脳動脈皮質枝の分枝上に生じたde novo aneurysmより再出血を来した1例
- Variation in form on the circle of Willis as studied by 3D-TOF MR angiography.
- Cerebral MR angiography and vascular imaging: Recent progresses
- Clinical results of CT-guided stereotaxic surgery for patients with high-grade hypertensive putaminal hemorrhage.
- Standardization of CT and MRI in clinical trials for acute ischemic stroke: current concepts
- A case of recurrent cardiogenic cerebral embolism with bilateral whole cerebral hemisphere lesions and basilar occlusion onset