一般社団法人 日本てんかん学会 | 論文
- 小児から成人への移行期のてんかん診療の現状と患者ニーズに関する研究
- てんかんの地域診療連携システムと日本てんかん学会の役割
- 難治性てんかんの外科病理診断の標準化
- Valproic Acid Exacerbated Infantile Spasms and Induced Novel Complex Partial Seizures in an Infant with Non-ketotic Hyperglycinemia
- 視覚刺激で誘発される棘徐波に対するバルプロ酸の抑制作用に関する研究
- Severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy - A clinical and electroencephalographic study.
- Pay Attention to Late Onset Childhood Epilepsy due to Inborn Errors of Metabolism
- Recurrent Utterance as a Verbal Automatism in a Patient with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy; Analysis of Ictal Depth-EEG.:Analysis of Ictal Depth EEG
- Clinical characteristics in the core and peripheral types of severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy.
- Experimental Seizure Model Induced by Dibutyryl Derivatives of Cyclic Nucleotides
- Levetiracetam のてんかんに対する有用性 : 自験119例からの検討
- Schoolchildren with Epilepsy: Epidemiological and Longitudinal Studies on Questionnaire for Teachers at Intervals of 12 Years.:Epidemiological and Longitudinal Studies on Questionnaire for Teachers at Intervals of 12 Years
- A trial of once-daily administration of KW6066N for patients with functional partial and primary generalized epilepsy.
- 神経研究 ―はやりすたり―
- A Case of Paroxysmal Kinesigenic Dyskinesia with Complex Partial Seizure Probably Associated with Amygdala Enlargement
- Effects of Zonisamide on Serum Levels of Phenytoin and Carbamazepine.
- Oseltamivir Phosphate Induced Alterations in EEGs of Epilepsy-Prone El Mice
- カルバマゼピン(CBZ)単剤で発作抑制にいたった症例における至適投与量の検討
- 小児てんかん重積状態および発作頻発に対するfosphenytoinの有用性
- Effects of Epilepsy Type and Antiepileptic Drugs on Attention:Analysis with Dot Counting Test