速報 Deuterium Retention of Vanadium Alloy, V-4Cr-4Ti
- Retention and Desorption of Hydrogen and Helium in Inner Wall Material Used for The Large Helical Device (LHD) : Simulation experiments using a glow discharge apparatus
- Retention and Desorption of Discharge Gases in Wall Materials Used for Large Helical Device
- Impurity Deposition and Retention of Discharge Gas on Plasma Facing Wall in LHD
- Helium Retention of 316L Stainless Steel Used for The First Wall of The Large Helical Device (LHD)
- TDS Measurement of Hydrogen Released from Stainless Steel Oxidized in H2O-Containing Atmospheres
- Deuterium Retention in Tungsten Mixed Carbon Dust
- Gas Desorption of Inner Coating Materials Used for Cathode Ray Tube after Electron Beam Irradiation (第45回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2004年10月27日〜29日,大阪)
- Morphology and Hydrogen Retention of Carbon Dust Produced by Hydrogen Discharges in JT-60 (第44回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2003年11月12日〜14日,東京)
- Lafferty Gauge for Pressure Measurement of Extremely High Vacuum
- Multipole Gauge for Pressure Measurement of Extremely High Vacuum
- Gas Desorption of Inner Coating Materials Used for Cathode Ray--Tube Effect of exposure time in the atmosphere on gas desorption (第44回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2003年11月12日〜14日,東京)
- Desorption behavior of H2O from isotropic graphites dipped in water
- Hydrogen desorption behavior of aluminium materials used for extremely high vacuum chamber
- Dependence of Incident Angle of Surface Morphology of Polycrystalline Copper after Helium Ion Irradiation
- Deuterium Retention of Vanadium Alloy, V-4Cr-4Ti
- Helium Gas Permeability of Low Activation SiC/SiC Composite
- Gas-Desorption Properties of Inner Coating Materials Used for Cathode-Ray Tube : Effect of Water Glass Component of Inner Coating Material on Gas Desorption
- Deuterium Retention of Low Activation Ferritic Steel F82H
- Axial elongation of water droplet by application of electric field for bio-chemical reaction system
- Nitridation of Silicon by Using Nitrogen-Helium Mixture Plasma (第43回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2002年10月16日〜18日,大阪)
- 速報 Deuterium Retention of Vanadium Alloy, V-4Cr-4Ti
- Deuterium retention and desorption behavior in oxidized ferritic steel
- Deuterium retention of low activation ferritic steel and boronized wall in JFT-2M
- Helium gas permeability of SiC/SiC composite after heat cycles
- Smoothing of polycrystalline copper with rough surface by oblique argon-ion irradiation
- Helium thermal desorption and retention properties of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy used for first wall of breeding blanket
- Surface flatness of polycrystalline copper after argon ion etching followed by annealing
- Nitridation of Silicon by Using Nitrogen-Helium Mixture Plasma (第43回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2002年10月16日〜18日,大阪)