Nitridation of Silicon by Using Nitrogen-Helium Mixture Plasma (第43回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2002年10月16日〜18日,大阪)
Hirohata Yuko
Dept. Of Nuclear Engineering Hokkaido Univ.
Hino Tomoaki
Laboratory Of Plasma Physics And Engineering Hokkaido University
Laboratory of Plasma Physics and Engineering, Hokkaido University
Laboratory of Plasma Physics and Engineering, Hokkaido University
ONO Junji
Laboratory of Plasma Physics and Engineering, Hokkaido University
- Retention and Desorption of Hydrogen and Helium in Inner Wall Material Used for The Large Helical Device (LHD) : Simulation experiments using a glow discharge apparatus
- Retention and Desorption of Discharge Gases in Wall Materials Used for Large Helical Device
- Impurity Deposition and Retention of Discharge Gas on Plasma Facing Wall in LHD
- Helium Retention of 316L Stainless Steel Used for The First Wall of The Large Helical Device (LHD)
- TDS Measurement of Hydrogen Released from Stainless Steel Oxidized in H2O-Containing Atmospheres
- Deuterium Retention in Tungsten Mixed Carbon Dust
- Gas Desorption of Inner Coating Materials Used for Cathode Ray Tube after Electron Beam Irradiation (第45回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2004年10月27日〜29日,大阪)
- Morphology and Hydrogen Retention of Carbon Dust Produced by Hydrogen Discharges in JT-60 (第44回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2003年11月12日〜14日,東京)
- Lafferty Gauge for Pressure Measurement of Extremely High Vacuum
- Multipole Gauge for Pressure Measurement of Extremely High Vacuum
- Gas Desorption of Inner Coating Materials Used for Cathode Ray--Tube Effect of exposure time in the atmosphere on gas desorption (第44回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2003年11月12日〜14日,東京)
- Desorption behavior of H2O from isotropic graphites dipped in water
- Hydrogen desorption behavior of aluminium materials used for extremely high vacuum chamber
- Dependence of Incident Angle of Surface Morphology of Polycrystalline Copper after Helium Ion Irradiation
- Deuterium Retention of Vanadium Alloy, V-4Cr-4Ti
- Helium Gas Permeability of Low Activation SiC/SiC Composite
- Gas-Desorption Properties of Inner Coating Materials Used for Cathode-Ray Tube : Effect of Water Glass Component of Inner Coating Material on Gas Desorption
- Deuterium Retention of Low Activation Ferritic Steel F82H
- Axial elongation of water droplet by application of electric field for bio-chemical reaction system
- Nitridation of Silicon by Using Nitrogen-Helium Mixture Plasma (第43回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2002年10月16日〜18日,大阪)
- 速報 Deuterium Retention of Vanadium Alloy, V-4Cr-4Ti
- Gas Desorption Behavior of Graphite Anodes in Lithium Ion Secondary Batteries After Adsorption of Electrolytes
- Hydrogen Retention Properties of SiC/SiC Composites as Plasma Facing Material of Fusion Reactor
- Deuterium retention and desorption behavior in oxidized ferritic steel
- Deuterium retention of low activation ferritic steel and boronized wall in JFT-2M
- Helium gas permeability of SiC/SiC composite after heat cycles
- Smoothing of polycrystalline copper with rough surface by oblique argon-ion irradiation
- Helium thermal desorption and retention properties of V–4Cr–4Ti alloy used for first wall of breeding blanket
- Surface flatness of polycrystalline copper after argon ion etching followed by annealing
- Reduction of gas desorption in graphite anode used in lithium ion battery by hydrogen plasma irradiation (第51回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス)
- Nitridation of Silicon by Using Nitrogen-Helium Mixture Plasma (第43回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2002年10月16日〜18日,大阪)
- Reduction of gas desorption in graphite anode used in lithium ion battery by hydrogen plasma irradiation (第51回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス)
- Hydrogen retention properties of SiC/SiC composites as plasma facing material of fusion reactor (第51回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス)
- Effects of Helium Ion Irradiation on Deuterium Retention Behavior of SiC/SiC Composites as Plasma Facing Materials for Fusion Reactors (小特集 第52回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス(2))
- Investigation of Carbon Films on Material Probes in the Vicinity of Local Island Divertor in the Large Helical Device
- Tritium Retention on Stainless Steel Surface Exposed to Plasmas in LHD
- Removal of Deuterium in Lithium Titanate by Sweep Gas Exposure