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平成18年10月7日午後から8日午前中にかけて台風並みに発達し士低気圧により九州大学北海道演習林に大規模在風害が発生した。今後の資料とするため,ここではその被害概要についてまとめた。被害発生時,北海道演習林内では主に北ないし北北東方向から最大風速10m/s以上,瞬間最大風速20皿/.以上回風が吹いたと推定された。被害は北海道演習林のほぽ全域にわたり発生し,被害面積158ha,被害推定本数48,481本,被害推定材積21,284m^3に達した。今回の被害の特徴として,カラマツを中心とした針葉樹人工林,とくに40年生以上の壮齢林に大規模な風倒被害が発生したこと,被害が北東斜面の林分に集中し,風向とほぼ一致したこと,カラマツ林の被害形態は「根返り」が最も多く,次いで「傾斜・幹曲がり」で,「幹折れ」の被害はわずかであったこと等が挙げられた。This paper describes the investigation results of wind damage at Ashoro Research Forest, Kyushu University, Japan induced by heavy low pressure on October 7 and 8, 2006. When the low pressure was passing through Ashoro Research Forest, the estimated dominant wind direction was north or north-northeast, and the estimated maximum wind speed and the estimated maximum instantaneous wind speed were over 10 m/s and over 20m/s, respectively, based on the data from the four nearest AMeDAS (Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System) observation points. The wind damage was scattered throughout Ashoro Research Forest. Total wind damage area, the estimated total number of damaged trees and their estimated total volume were 158 ha, 48,481 trees and 212,284m^3, respectively. The wind damage was observed in mainly artificial forests of Japanese larch. It was especially heacy in the matured forest stands (over 40 years old) and in the forest stands on the northeastern slope. Damage type of Japanese larch trees was mostly uprooting (75%), and the next largest type was leaning or bent (21%) and snapping was only 4%.
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