外来生物アライグマに脅かされる爬虫両生類 (特集 爬虫両生類における外来生物問題とその対策)
Kato Takuya
Department Of Pathology Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
加藤 卓也
KATO Takuya
Laboratory of Wildlife Medichine, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University
- Estimated Months of Parturition and Litter Size in Female Masked Palm Civets (Paguma larvata) in Kanagawa Prefecture and Tokyo Metropolis
- 野生化したアライグマにおける人獣共通感染症原因菌の保有状況
- Analysis of DOK-6 function in downstream signaling of RET in human neuroblastoma cells
- 神奈川県三浦半島に生息するアライグマの消化管内寄生蠕虫相に関する研究
- Reproductive Characteristics of Feral Raccoons (Procyon lotor) Captured by the Pest Control in Kamakura, Japan
- Doping Dependence of Two Energy Scales in the Tunneling Spectra of Superconducting La_Sr_xCuO_4(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Local Measurement of Microwave Response with Local Tunneling Spectra Using Near Field Microwave Microscopy
- Appearance of New Energy Gap and Periodic Local Density-of-States Modulation in Bi_2Sr_La_CuO_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Dielectric Dispersion in K_2ZnCl_4 around the Incommensurate-Commensurate Phase Transition Point
- Theriogenology: Estimated months of parturition and litter size in female masked palm civets (Paguma larvata) in Kanagawa Prefecture and Tokyo Metropolis
- 2007年度日本野生動物医学会主催サマーショートコース(SSC)実施報告I
- Expression of Ret finger protein correlates with outcomes in endometrial cancer
- 外来生物アライグマに脅かされる爬虫両生類 (特集 爬虫両生類における外来生物問題とその対策)
- Difference in Age at First Conception between Early and Late Litters of Feral Raccoon (Procyon lotor) in Kanagawa Prefecture
- Indices Using External Measurements for Assessing Fat Deposition of Adult Feral Raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
- Theriogenology : Difference in Age at First Conception between Early and Late Litters of Feral Raccoon (Procyon lotor) in Kanagawa Prefecture
- 神奈川県で野生化したアライグマ(Procyon lotor)の性年齢構成およびメスの繁殖特性に関する研究
- Unidirectional Electronic Structure in the Parent State of Iron-Chalcogenide Superconductor Fe1+\deltaTe
- Development of Near-Field Microwave Microscope with the Functionality of Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy