- 101. アルテミア孵化率に及ぼす重金属の相剰的効果
- Effects of Cell Concentrations on the Survival and Repopulation of Haemopoietic Stem Cells in Irradiated Bone Marrow Cell Culture in Vitro
- Recovery of Haemopoietic Stem Cells of W/W^v Mice after Irradiation: In Vivo and in Vitro Studies
- LPS Induces Migration of Bone Marrow Cells in LPS-nonresponsive C3H/HeJ mice
- Patterns of Proliferation and Differentiation of Irradiated Haemopoietic Stem Cells Cultured on Normal 'Stromal' Cell Colonies in Vitro
- In Vitro Repopulation of Haemopoietic Stem Cells after Irradiation
- Stimulation and Support of Haemopoietic Stem Cell Proliferation by Irradiated Stroma Cell Colonies in Bone Marrow Cell Culture in vitro
- Separation of Hemopoietic Stem Cells of Low Self-Renewal Capacity from Mouse Bone Marrow
- Difference in the Mechanism of Radioprotection between Carbon Particles and Bacterial Endotoxin
- Effects of Carragheenan on Radiation Lethality
- Enhancement of Haemopoietic Colony-Formation in lrradiated Mice by the Serum from Carbon-Treated Mice
- ヒトリンパ球の蛍光偏光測定(SCMテスト)による新しい癌の診断法-1-PHAに対する反応性を中心に
- Comparative Study on the Effect of RES-Stimulating and Blockading Agents on the Immunological Response after lrradiation
- 102. マウス腹腔内食細胞による水銀処理赤血球の識別