- 論文の詳細を見る
Finger and palm prints were obtained from 306 Hachijo Islanders (158 males and 148 females). Digital patterns were classified as whorls, ulnar loops, radial loops, or arches (Tables 1,2). The mean pattern intensity index was calculated for each sex (Table 3). Terminations of main line D were classified, according to CUMMINS & MIDLO (1926), as type 7,type 9,or type 11 (Table 4). The main-line indices (CUMMINS, 1936) were calculated for right and left palms of each sex (Table 5). Courses of line C were classified, according to PLATO (1970), as ulnar, radial, proximal, or absent (Table 6). Combined frequencies of patterns in the hypothenar and thenar areas were recorded (Table 7). The incidences of digital patterns, types of lines D and C, hypothenar patterns, and thenar patterns in Hachijo Islanders are compared with those in the inhabitants of adjacent islands, Hondo (Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu), Ryukyu, the Ainu in Hokkaido, and the Chamorro in Marianas in Tables 8∿12. BHATTACHARYYA's measure of angular distance between two multinomial populations was applied to those incidence data and weighted averages of distances in six traits between Hachijo and other population samples were calculated (Table 13). Results show that the closest to Hachijo is Ryukyu, followed by Hondo and O Island, and the remotest are the Ainu and the Chamorro. For calculation of distances between Hachijo and 7 districts in Hondo, only male digital pattern frequencies and line D type frequencies were available. Average distances shown in the last column of Table 14 are much the same for all districts in Hondo and far larger than that between Hachijo and Ryukyu. No district in Hondo was disclosed to be particularly close to or remote from Hachijo. Much more works on other characters and in other disciplines are needed before we can understand the significance of close resemblance between Hachijo and Ryukyu in dermatoglyphic pattern incidences.
- 1978-12-20
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