Application of Artificial Dermis and Free Skin Grafting for Four Dogs with Wide Skin Defects in the Distal Limb or Tail
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The artificial dermis is a primary wound dressing and consists of an atercollagen sponge with low antigenicity and silicone membrane. This material is widely used in human medical treatments with the goal of creating an adequate granulate tissue for skin grafts. However, reports of clinical application with dogs are very few. In the present study, an artificial dermis (Pelnac®) was applied to four dogs with wide skin defects in the distal limb or tail. As a result, fresh and smooth granulate tissue was obtained at the beginning of the artificial dermis application in three of the four cases. In addition, the secondary skin graft was engrafted well at most of the granuate tissue induced by artificial dermis. These results showed that artificial dermis supports the induction of adequate granulate tissue despite differences in skin structure between humans and dogs, and could expand the scope of application of skin grafts even at sites with limited subcutaneous soft tissue.
- Japan Veterinary Medical Associationの論文
Japan Veterinary Medical Association | 論文
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