Production of Indigestible Dextrin from Pyrodextrin
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Through analysis the greatest amount of the indigestible fraction in commercially available starch hydrolyzates was found to be acid converted maltodextrins and glucose syrups. For dextrins, it was found that acid-converted dextrin contains a greater amount of indigestible fraction than dextrin treated with heat pan without using acids. The method to obtain the indigestible fraction on an industrial scale has investigated. The amount of increase in indigestible fraction contained in acid-converted dextrin depended on the reaction time. Further, the average molecular weight of the indigestible fractions increased in relation to the heating temperature. Finally, a production process to obtain indigestible fraction from acid converted dextrin at industrial scale was developed, through dextrinization, enzyme treatments, refining, fractionation and drying, using the existing production facilities. The indigestible fraction obtained was designated as indigestible dextrin.There was no significant difference in composition between indigestible dextrin produced from corn starchand that produced from potato starch.
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