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Bisphosphonates (BPs) have clinically been used as a highly effective drug in the treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy, skeletal events associated with multiple myeloma, metastatic breast cancer and prostate cancer, and osteoporosis. Despite these benefits, however, the emergence of BP-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ) becomes a growing and significant problem in a subset of patients receiving these drugs, especially intravenous preparations. It has also been reported in the patients receiving oral BPs, although the incidence is extremely low. Most of BRONJ cases occur after dental treatments such as tooth extraction, periodontal surgery, and dental implants, and are refractory to conventional treatment modalities such as debridement, antibiotics and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. As compared to USA and EU, the number of BRONJ cases is still small in Japan, but it is exactly increasing year by year. The ratio of the number of BRONJ in patients receiving oral BPs to that in patients receiving intravenous BPs is higher in Japan than in USA and EU, speculating due to the difference of time of approval and oral hygienic condition of the Japanese elderly. In this issue, the present condition of occurrence of BRONJ in USA, EU and Japan and the practical guidelines for diagnosis and treatment proposed in USA and EU are described. Although no effective therapy for BRONJ is established yet, the importance of oral hygiene, patient education and treatments suitable for clinical stage is emphasized. In addition, it is considered that the survey of incidence of BRONJ in Japan and the preparation of Japanese guideline are urgent need.
- Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeonsの論文
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- 学術最新情報 わが国におけるビスフォスフォネート関連顎骨壊死発生の現状 日本におけるビスフォスフォネート関連顎骨壊死の全国調査(抜粋)
- Experience in treating a gingival carcinoma patient with autoimmune leukopenia by combination therapy with human granulocyte colony stimulating factor.
- A case of basal cell nevus syndrome accompanied with ameloblastoma.
- In vitro isolation and immunocytochemical characterization of tumor cells derived from a recurrent lower gingival carcinoma with sarcomatous changes.
- A case of recurrent lower gingival carcinoma with sarcomatous changes.
- 基底細胞母斑症候群における歯原性角化嚢胞の検討
- 頬粘膜部にみられた外傷性神経腫の1例
- A case of Foix syndrome with temporomandibular joint disturbance as an initial manifestation.
- 上顎歯肉に発生したmucous membrane plasmacytosisの1例
- A case of odonto-ameloblastoma in mandible.
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- ビスフォスフォネート治療による顎骨壊死発症の現状
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