Comparative Investigation of Body Composition in Male Dogs Using CT and Body Fat Analysis Software
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In small animal veterinary practices, body condition score (BCS) is generally used to diagnose obesity. However, BCS does not constitute objective data. In this study, we investigated the value of using human body fat analysis software for male dogs. We also compared changes in body fat after neutering. Changes in body fat at the time of neutering (age 1 year) and 1 year later were compared by performing CT scanning and using human body fat analysis software. We found that body fat increased in all the individuals tested. In terms of the site of fat accumulation, subcutaneous fat was more pronounced than visceral fat, with a marked increase on the dorsal side of the abdomen rather than the thorax.
- 公益社団法人 日本獣医学会の論文
Kitagawa Masato
Laboratory Comprehensive Veterinary Clinical Studies Nihon University School Of Veterinary Medicine
Kanayama Kiichi
Laboratory Of Veterinary Physiology Graduate School Of Veterinary Medicine Nihon University
KOIE Hiroshi
Laboratory of Comprehensive Veterinary Clinical Studies
KOIE Hiroshi
Laboratory of Veterinary Physiology, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Laboratory of Comprehensive Veterinary Clinical Studies, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Laboratory of Veterinary Physiology, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Laboratory of Veterinary Physiology, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Department of Animal Science, Teikyo University of Science
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