Associations of Asymptomatic Gallbladder Stones with Metabolic Syndrome and Lifestyle Factors
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Objective: It has been known that gallbladder stones are associated with obesity or dyslipidemia for some time. In the present study, we investigated to see if there is an association between gall bladder stones and lifestyle habits or metabolic syndrome.Methods: We selected 18,540 persons (10,911 males, 7,629 females) who had been examined at the general health center of our hospital between 2004 and 2010 and consented to take part in the study as our subjects. Persons with viral hepatitis and other chronic liver diseases as well as those who had undergone cholecystectomy were first eliminated.Results: Gallbladder stones were noted in 602 subjects (3.2%). For those with gallbladder stones, age, BMI, waist circumference, blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, HbA1c and tryglycerides were all significantly higher than in those without, while HDL levels were significantly lower. The incidences of fatty liver and MS were also significantly higher. As for lifestyle habits, no association was seen for coffee consumption or smoking but the frequency of gallbladder stones was lower in those who drank alcohol. Multivariate analysis indicated that independent risk factors for gallbladder stones were age and large BMI for both men and women, and MS was an independent risk factor for men alone. On the other hand, alcohol consumption was found to be a inhibitory factor. Conclusion: We consider that gallbladder stones are a lifestyle disease associated with individual factors of MS and that interventions such as lifestyle improvement guidance are necessary to prevent them.
加藤 隆弘
朝日大学村上記念病院 消化器内科
小島 孝雄
朝日大学村上記念病院 消化器内科
大洞 昭博
朝日大学村上記念病院 消化器内科
出口 冨美子
朝日大学村上記念病院 総合健診センター
福田 信宏
朝日大学村上記念病院 消化器内科
中村 博式
朝日大学村上記念病院 消化器内科
下村 順子
朝日大学村上記念病院 総合健診センター
大熊 晟夫
朝日大学村上記念病院 総合健診センター
森本 泰隆
朝日大学村上記念病院 消化器内科
宮脇 喜一郎
朝日大学村上記念病院 消化器内科
伴 尚美
朝日大学村上記念病院 消化器内科
濱口 真英
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