Fundamental Research on Reduction of Impact Forces Using Actively Controlled Landing Gear in Lunar/Planetary Landers
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In the past, landers have landed on flat areas of lunar/planetary surfaces in order to avoid terrains that are rocky, or that have craters or hills. For next-generation exploration, lunar/planetary landers will require sophisticated technology to land on these areas as well for furture exploration. In this paper, we propose predictive control for actively controlled landing gear with a ball screw linear actuator. The effectiveness of proposed method is shown through simulation and experimental results.
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- Fundamental Research on Reduction of Impact Forces Using Actively Controlled Landing Gear in Lunar/Planetary Landers
- P3-21 月縦孔・地下空洞探査(ポスターセッション3,ポスター発表)
- 月惑星探査機のアクティブ着陸脚における衝撃力緩和制御法の基礎検討