Dissolution Behavior of Pb and Sn Species from Solder Using ESI-MS
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Lead contamination caused from solder on discarded electronic devices has been reported as an important environmental problem. The dissolution mechanism of lead (Pb) and tin (Sn) from solder should be estimated from the dissolved chemical species. Chemical species of Pb and Sn dissolved from solder in an acid solution could be identified by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Studies were first carried out with inorganic Pb and Sn salts in acid solutions, and referred to as reference solutions. For Pb, species containing hydroxide ion were mainly observed in a reference solution, indicating that Pb does not react with Cl− or NO3−, and may exist as hydroxo or hydrated complexes. On the other hand, the Sn species contained chloride ions showing different behavior from the Pb species for coexisting anions. Second, for solder was dissolved in acid solutions, the solutions were measured with ESI-MS, and dissolved Pb and Sn species were identified. The main species of Pb in the solutions contained hydroxide ions similar to reference solutions, indicating that Pb existed as hydroxo and hydrated complexes. For Sn, although the total concentration of Sn was higher than that in the reference solution, the peak intensities of the Sn species were lower than those in the reference solution. This suggests that the Sn species dissolved from solder in acid solutions existed as non-charged forms or particles, and therefore the Sn species were not clearly detected with ESI-MS. Also, the dissolution mechanism of Pb and Sn from solder in acid solutions was estimated. Finally, the impact of dissolved Pb and Sn on the environment, and thus on humans, was considered. The behavior of Pb and Sn after dissolution from solder may significantly differ, and different treatments should be applied for the recovery and decontamination of the respective elements.
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