Studies on the Diazo Coupling Reaction in the Various Diazonium Salts for the Assay of Serum Bilirubin
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- Studies on the Diazo Coupling Reaction in the Various Diazonium Salts for the Assay of Serum Bilirubin
- Studies on temperature corrections for lactate dehydrogenase activity (II)
- Studies on temperature corrections for lactate dehydroge ase activity (I)
- Quantitation of L-Fucose and its Metabolism
- An Extra Isoenzyme Band of Serum Lactic Dehydrogenase in Patients with Acute Hepatitis and Cardiac Damage
- Studies on the Formation of Bilirubin by Recombination of Bilirubin-Derived Intermediates in the Diazo Coupling Reaction
- Separation of Photoproducts of Bilirubin by Thin-Layer Chromatography, and their Diazo Coupling Reactions
- Regularity in Effects of Inorganic Salts on Protein-Dye Binding Regarding the Phenomenon of Protein Error of the pH Indicators
- Green Coloured Products Produced by Bilirubin-Diazo Reaction