The Development of Compact Form of APP (Accident Proneness Prediction) Test and Student Guidance
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Since 1968, four types of APP Test have been developed by the authors. L. H-edition for elementary pupils K-edition for kindergarten, S-edition for jr. & senior high school students, and R-edition for motorcycle riders have achieved substantially high levels of validity and reliability in School training practice.<BR>Original APP test is c onsisted of eleven categories of question series, out of which two categories, i. e."Speed & Quality of Performance"and"Good Attitude towards Safety"are employed for the"Compact Form",<BR>Total of 782 junior high school students (380boys, 402girls) participated in the testing of, the Compact form.<BR>Analyses are conducted to evaluate the student abilities and aptitude on safety and resulted in grade A (25%), grade B (33%) and grade C (42%), respectively.<BR>With respect to the validity,93% of teachers agree d with the results of the test.<BR>Six unique cases in"Speed & Quality Performance"are analyzed in details an their application for student guidance is discussed in light of delinquency and violence in classrooms.
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