Relationship between nurses' job perceptions as a group and their turnover at the inpatient ward level
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between nurses' job perceptions as a group and their turnover at the inpatient ward level.Method: Self-administered surveys on job perceptions (5 domains of 37 scales) were conducted at 13 wards of an acute hospital with about 500 beds in 2007, 2009 and 2010, and the correlation coefficients between the means of job perception scales for each ward and their turnover rates were calculated by year.Results: The turnover rates of the hospital were 0.225 in 2007, 0.124 in 2009 and 0.144 in 2010. The hospital recruited many nurses in order to get the highest inpatient fee on medical insurance reimbursement schedules in 2007. Fourteen of 37 job perception scales correlated significantly (p<.05) and negatively with the turnover rates in the same year. In particular, the scales of power balance and shared information in the domain of "organizational culture" and the scales of sense of self-definition and sense of organizational effectiveness in the domain of "career identity" correlated significantly with the turnover rates at the p < .01 level. The changes of the scales of solid support for living, being clearly informed and commitment toward quality care in the domain of "performing quality care" from 2009 to 2010 correlated with the changes of turnover rates in the same interval.Conclusions: In years with a high turnover rate of nurses, negative correlations between job perceptions and turnover rates appeared, and the domains of "organizational culture" and "career identity" affect the turnover rate more than the other job perception domains. Establishing a healthy work environment should increase the retention rate of nurses and lead to quality patient care.
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- Relationship between nurses' job perceptions as a group and their turnover at the inpatient ward level