Toward the Better Pictogram System for the Digital Signage on Low-Resolution Devices
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At present, methods of expression are diversifying because of differences in the media performance of large-sized digital signage, and developers are being asked to provide low-resolution designs. This research investigates effective pictogram designs in cases where a low-resolution indication is needed. 42 signs with recommendation level A from the JISZ8210 Public Information Symbols were employed as the design base. Based on these signs, 252 signs were newly designed using 6 expression methods, thus, 294 signs were prepared, including the original 42. When subjects were asked about factors such as the ease-of-understanding, simplicity and beauty of the designs, they evaluated the designs with lettering information highly for ease-of-understanding, and the designs without lettering information highly for simplicity and beauty. The designs using lettering only were not evaluated low for ease-of-understanding, but they were evaluated low for likeability and beauty. This finding suggests that when expressions with a lower resolution are needed, then designs with lettering information aid people's understanding and those without it offer them simplicity and beauty.
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