Evolution of the Miocene Old World monkeys in Africa: influence on the evolution of the extant hominoids
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This review examined the hypothesis that a competition with the Cercopithecoidea accounts for the decline of the "Hominoidea" (properly speaking, non-cercopithecoid catarrhines on the present-day consensus of catarrhine taxonomy) from the beginning of the Miocene in Africa, originally put forward by P. Andrews (1981) [Species diversity and diet in monkeys and apes during the Miocene. In: Stringer C.B. (ed.), Aspects of Human Evolution. Taylor & Francis Ltd., London, pp. 25–61]. The updated African catarrhine fossil record revealed that there was neither an uprising of the diversity of the Cercopithecoidea nor a decline of non-cercopithecoid catarrhines by the early Late Miocene. The radiation of the cercopithecids and the decline of non-cercopithecoids coincidently occurred during 10–7 Ma. Prior to 10 Ma, colobines (and probably guenons) invaded African forests and became (potential) competitors of the non-cercopithecoids as frugivorous primates that can consume unripe fruits. The r-strategist cercopithecids were certainly more adaptive than presumably K-selected large non-cercopithecoids under the fluctuation and deterioration of environment after 10 Ma. However, it cannot be concluded whether the cercopithecids eventually replaced the non-cercopithecoid cattarhines through a direct competition. Between 10–7 Ma, a transition from the C3 to C4 environment has progressed in East Africa. The climatic change could have negatively affected the diversity and population size of the non-cercopithecoids. It might have also changed interspecific relations in primate communities. These possibilities can be evaluated only with a continuous and abundant fossil record of the cercopithecids (especially forest-living cercopithecines) and non-cercopithecoid catarrhines during this time period.
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