Porosity profile within the Taiwan Chelungpu Fault, reconstructed from X-ray computed tomography images
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To evaluate the porosity profile within the Chelungpu Fault, which slipped during the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake, we performed X-ray computed tomography imaging of core samples from Hole B of the Taiwan Chelungpu Fault Drilling Project. We established the relationship between the degree of X-ray attenuation and wet bulk density and obtained a porosity profile through the major fault zone at 1,136 m depth. The shear zones within the fault zone generally showed high porosity, and the porosity of the shear in the black gouge zone, which previous research suggests was the slip plane for the 1999 earthquake, was deduced to be 33.0%. This high porosity might indicate dilative shear deformation during the earthquake.
- 独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構の論文
Song Sheng-rong
Department Of Geosciences National Taiwan University
Soh Wonn
Kochi Inst. Core Sample Res. Jamstec
Lin Weiren
Kochi Institute For Core Sample Research Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Technology
Yeh En-chao
Department Of Geosciences National Taiwan University
Hirono Tetsuro
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Wang Chien-ying
Institute Of Geophysics National Central University
Murayama Masafumi
Center For Advanced Marine Core Research Kochi University
Soh Wonn
Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Nankoku, Japan
Wang Chien-Ying
Institute of Geophysics, National Central University, Taiwan
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