4. めまいの漢方治療
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Many descriptions are found in old Chinese medical documents about symptoms and medicines that correspond to “vertigo/dizziness” in modern medicine. Kampo is a traditional Japanese medicine. It is based on traditional Chinese medicine, but it has been developed into a unique form in Japan. Kampo formulas have spread to the extent that 80% or more of Japanese doctors prescribe them in their daily medical practice. The Kampo formula to be used for treatment is determined by the manner of diagnosis based on the pathophysiology concept of Kampo medicine. In Kampo medicine, a disease is evaluated from the perspective of yin-yang, deficiency-excess, cold-heat, exterior-interior, qi-blood-water, five viscera and location of disease. The concrete process of selecting a Kampo formula is to diagnose first, and this is mainly based on disorders in qi, blood or water. Then, whether it is yin or yang has to be identified. In case of yang, a Kampo formula with a vector directed toward yin is to be used for the treatment, and in case of yin, a medicine with a vector directed toward yang should be used for the treatment. In the end, deficiency or excess of local qi, blood or water needs to be diagnosed. The fundamental rule of treatment is that, when qi-blood-water is in a state of deficiency, it is to be supplemented, and when qi-blood-water is in a state of excess, it is to be depleted. There are Kampo formulas that serve as curative medicines for vertigo/dizziness other than the already known formulas goreisan, hangebyakujutsutemmato and ryokeijutsukanto for this condition. Curative medicines for vertigo/dizziness are expected to increase in number, on the basis of the Kampo formula being examined according to traditional diagnostic approaches.
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- めまいの漢方治療