Symbiotic Computing Based Approach Towards Reducing User's Burden Due to Information Explosion
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In this work, Symbiotic Computing (SC) based solution to combat the problem of Information Explosion is addressed. Symbiotic Computing was proposed to bridge the gap between the Real Space (RS) and the Digital Space (DS) by creating symbiotic relations among users in the RS and the information resources such as software, data, etc. in the DS. SC is realized by adding a new axis, S/P computing (Social and Perceptual Computing), to the advanced ubiquitous computing consisting of ambient and web computing. Here, a new framework of SC based on Symbiotic Space (SS) and Symbiotic Space Platform (SSP) has been designed to construct and maintain Symbiotic Relations for S/P computing in order to reduce the burden of Information Explosion. Finally the feasibility of our proposal has been tested by bench-top simulation through applying logical model of Symbiotic Computing to a typical example of Information Explosion.
Sugawara Kenji
Department of Computer Science, Chiba Institute of Technology
Fujita Shigeru
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Shiratori Norio
Research Institute Of Electric Communications Tohoku University
Manabe Yusuke
Department of Information and Network Science, Chiba Institute of Technology
Chakraborty Basabi
Faculty of Software and Information Science, Iwate Prefectural University
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