Primary liposarcoma of the chest wall
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Liposarcoma is one of the most common malignant soft tissue tumors, although it rarely occurs in the chest wall. A 58-year-old man was referred to our hospital for further evaluation of an abnormal shadow identified on a chest computed tomography (CT) scan in a medical examination. CT scan revealed a 3-cm, ill-defined mass with a low density in the left posterior chest wall. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed a high signal intensity mass in the T1-weighted sequence. A bright part in the tumor on fat- suppressed images still existed. Surgical resection of the tumor including the seventh and eighth ribs with an approximately 3-cm margin was performed with a diagnosis of suspected primary liposarcoma of the chest wall. Histopathological examination showed the tumor to be a well-differentiated liposarcoma. Because the recurrence site of liposarcoma is usually local, wide resection of the primary lesion with an adequate surgical margin is essential for successful management.
生田 安司
日高 孝子
田村 和貴
生田 安司
国立病院機構小倉医療センター 外科
日高 孝子
国立病院機構小倉医療センター 呼吸器内科
田村 和貴
国立病院機構小倉医療センター 外科
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