- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently, light weight soil made of dredged slurry with cement and air foam is applied to waterfront construction. The characteristics of this material can be influenced by the seawater when it is used to coastal area. And it can be weathered if the water is absorbed into it. These phenomena are affected by absorption properties of the material.<BR>The objective of this study is to evaluate absorption properties of light weight soil with air foam under wet sand condition using micro focus X-ray CT scanner. In this paper, a series of absorption tests was conducted for specimens under both water and wet sand condition, and absorption mechanism was investigated by CT scanning the specimens during absorption tests. And then, the light weight soil with air foam for backfilling a quay wall was sampled at Kobe Port Island in 2005. This field was the first application of light weight soil with air foam and reconstructed due to Kobe earthquake in 1995. And the absorption properties of these samples surrounding wet sand were investigated with X-ray CT scanner. Based on these results, the absorption property of light weight soil with air foam under wet sand condition was different from that under water condition.
- 日本材料学会の論文
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