Effect of Instant Coffee on Conditioned Suppression under Fixed Ratio or Fixed Interval Schedule of Food Reinforcement in Rats
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The effect of instant coffee, its caffeine-free product (Nescafé) and caffeine on operant behaviors were investigated in rats well trained on fixed ratio (FR30) or fixed interval (FI·1) schedule of food reinforcement. The effect on conditioned suppression, which was produced by electric shock associated with the reinforcement and component alternation under the same schedule, was also observed. Both FR and FI responses significantly increased after oral administrations of 0.125-0.5g/kg of instant coffee, when compared with those after the same dosings of caffeine-free product. These changes, however, did not reveal the linear dose-effect corelation. Almost the same pattern of the changes was obtained when 2.5-20 mg/kg of caffeine were given orally.<BR>On the other hand, markedly attenuated effect on the conditioned suppression was observed in fairly good parallel with the dosages of instant coffee and caffeine with the exception of caffeine-free product, especially in FR schedule.<BR>From these results, it is assumed that in some conditions coffee or caffeine may show not only a stimulative effect on operant respondings but also an anti-anxiety effect.
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
田所 作太郎
樋口 洋一郎
田所 作太郎
大橋 京一
柴崎 道子
樋口 洋一郎
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- Effect of Instant Coffee on Conditioned Suppression under Fixed Ratio or Fixed Interval Schedule of Food Reinforcement in Rats
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