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A new canonical form for descriptor system <I>Ex=Ax+Bu, y=Cx+Du</I> is presented. In this canonical form the structures concerning impulse controllability and impulse observability of the descriptor system are indicated. Therefor the presented canonical form is the natural extension to descriptor system from Kalman's canonical form for state equation.Io this paper the problem of eliminating impulsive modes by output feedback for descriptor system is also considered. By using the canonical form the necessary and suffcient condition is proposed.
- システム制御情報学会の論文
- 非線形複合システムの分岐集合
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- システム制御情報チュートリアル講座'93「最近の制御理論とその応用への展望」
- 非線形複合システムの分散スライディングモード制御
- ディスクリプタシステムのインパルスモード消去
- Design of Observer for Descriptor Systems and its Realization
- ディスクリプタシステムの正準形
- Stabilization of Single-Input Bilinear Systems
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- (第2回) カオスと制御
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- Limit Cycle Behavior of a Nonlinear System Having a Limit Surface
- Stability Investigation of Linear and Nonlinear Times Varying Control Systems with Time Lag via Liapunov's Direct Method
- Dynamic Characteristics of Linear and Nonlinear Time Varying Control Systems with Time Lag
- ディスクリプタシステムの正準形
- ディジタル制御による1型最適サ-ボ系の構成
- 非線形ディジタルサ-ボ系の一設計法