Experimental investigation of the mechanism of propagation of the interdigestive migrating electric complex.
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The following results were obtained from investigations of the mechanisms of propagation of the interdigestive migrating electric complex (IMEC) obtained by inducing action potential from dogs in a fasted conscious state according to anastomosis of the transected small intestine.<BR>1. The IMEC occuring on the oral side always showed normal cotinuous propagation in the stump of the blind loop with no anastomosis in the small intestine.<BR>2. Even in cases of transplantation of the small intestine in different parts of the same digestive tract during IMEC propagation, the IMEC skipped over this and propagation showed normal continuity.<BR>3. From the above results, it appears that the normal mechanism of propagation occurs with no relation to anastomosis of the small intestine, and movement of the intestinal contents also play no role. It is therefore assumed that coordination of the propagation of IMEC is via the exrinsic nervous system.<BR>4. When the distal small intestine was transected, the frequency of the IMEC was the same as the frequency of the distal BER and the velocity was also decreased. The transplanted samll intestine maintained the normal propagation velocity after transection. New electric complexes were seen from the stump of the distal intestine and they migrated to the caudal side.<BR>From these results, it appears that the propagation of IMEC also occurs via nervous systems other than the extrinsic nervous system and that innervation by regulation of the extrinsic and intrinsic nervous system is involved in the propagation of IMEC.
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