- 論文の詳細を見る
For each individual in the family-register on Kuchinoshima in the Tokara Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture and the list of deceased registrants in the family-register, the date of demographic events; birth, death, emigration and immigration, was transcribed in 1973. Population size and vital statistics including migration in the family register were reconstituted from the transcribed information. When compared with the historical population size of inhabitants on the island (PS-I), the population size in the family-register (PS-R) differed differently according to the time-period. PS-I and PS-R were identical in1885.1900, and thenceforth up to 1944, PS-R exceeded PS-I to a small extent in 1900-1930 and to a great extent in 1930-1944. A sharp increase in PS-I happened around 1950?when PS-I exceeded PS-R. In 1960s, PS-I decreased and PS-R stayed rather constant. High birth rates with some fluctuation (30-44 per 1, 000 of population) were observed in 1885.1944, and thenceafter the birth rate turned to decrease with a transient increase in 1950-1954. The highest death rate was observed in 1945-1949 and in the period of 1885-1944 the death rate was in an estimated range of 8-16 per 1, 000 of population. The population of the register exchanged the female to and from the other part of Japan; Kagoshima Pref. in the early time and Kyushu and Honshu in the recent time, but only exported the male.
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