農村婦人の貧血に関する研究調査 千葉県婦人の貧血調査
- 論文の詳細を見る
As the result of a survey on anemia in 80 women, leaders of the Agricultural Cooperative of Chiba Prefecture in June 1969, anemia was found in 22.8%. The relationship between anemia and the frequency of pregnancy, anemia and farmer's disease and anemia and nutritio nal intake was studied but no definite correlation was noted. A comparison between fresh and preserved blood as the test material revealed a higher Hematcrit (Ht) in fresh blood. The correlation coefficient between Ht and Specific Gravities of Whole Blood (GB) was 0.898, between Hemoglobin (Hb) and Ht 0.894, and between GB and Ht 0.803.
- 日本民族衛生学会の論文
柳沢 文徳
中村 洋子
松岡 洋右
野原 三千年
高尾 真奈
久野 克也
柳沢 文徳
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- 農村婦人の貧血に関する研究
- 農村婦人の貧血に関する研究調査 千葉県婦人の貧血調査
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