- 論文の詳細を見る
As measured by impairments and disorders, rural health is rather clearly poorer than urban. Rural areas tend to have smaller and less effective force of all types of medical and related personal than the cities. In the Siga Prefecture situated in rural territory these tendencies have been true since the Meiji era. Moreover most of physicians in this prefecture did not go through the regular medical education in the Meiji era : herb doctors and some others of old types. The remarkable maldistribution of physicians in rural districts was recorded in the times of agricultural panic of the Showa era. It was natural tnat private physicians having a service to sell chosed to sell it where purchasing power was greatest. The basic factor accounting for the rural-urban distribution of physicians was the economic level of the areas in which they practiced. From the economic disadvantage springed a whole series of consequencies affecting the quantity and quality of rural physicians.
- 日本民族衛生学会の論文
名越 博
柳沢 文徳
天明 佳臣
清水 延秋
柳沢 文徳
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