- 論文の詳細を見る
The rate of taking community health examinations has been steadily increasing. In 1985 it reached to 25.5 percent. This, however, is still considered to be a low figure. The present study addresses this issue of low reception rate of community health examinations. The purpose of the study is to indicate factors associated with the low reception rate of community health examinations. A questionnaire survey was conducted in a community of approximately 6, 000 population in Kumamoto Prefecture.Questionnaires were sent to the objects who were those not undergoing the community health examinations during past 4 years, asking them about their reasons for not taking the examinations. The findings include: 1) There were 559 males and 547 females who had not taken examinations; 2) Approximately 7 percent of non-recepients were away from home or missing; 3) There were 9 reasons cited for not taking exams. Reasons such as "Had checkups at workplace", "Receiving medical check-ups or care from hospitals or other institutions", "Receiving treatment for high blood pressure, heart desease, etc." represent 67 percent of these reasons; 4) There were sex differences in some of these reasons; 5) Some of relationships between reasons for not taking exams and intending to take exames in near future were understandable, while some were not quite; 6) A combination between the reason "Have confidence in health" and the intention of "Hope so that take community exams" was observed in relation to marital status. The study indicates there are two kinds of factors affecting the low reception rate of community health examinations. One is the examinational institution, and the other is associated with the inhabitants themselves. Through this study, the following were obtained: The objects of community health examinations were needed to be clearly difined, selected and reconsidered the way of calculating the reception rate by institution. As for community inhabitants themselves it appears that their medical conditions may have significant influence on their low rate of examinations.
- 日本民族衛生学会の論文
東 博文
五嶋 睦子
東 博文
清水 利之
吉本 洋二
吉野 芳美
五嶋 睦子
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