- 論文の詳細を見る
Based on the Rogers' model the multiregional population analysis focused on Fukuoka prefecture was done by using the 1980 population census and vital statistics data. Whole Japan, excepting Fukuoka, was deviled into 7 regions with consideration to their relationships with Fukuoka prefecture. The results of multiregional life table, expectation of life by regions of birth and residence, number and probability surviving to a specific age in each region, and number of years expected to be lived in various regions, were reported. Studies on fertility and level of migration and the results of multiregional population projection were also given. Multiregional life table study showed a little different results from single region life table reflecting a levelling effect of migration, e.g. considerable reductions of differences in life expectancy among various regions. Of survivors of cohort born in Fukuoka prefecture to the age of 20, 59% and 65% were expected to stay in Fukuoka and 41% and 35% to migrate out to the other regions for male and female respectively. Analysis of migration level showed the residents of Fukuoka prefecture at their age 20 were expected to live 42% for male and 54% for female of their remaining life in Fukuoka. The most popular destinations of migration were Southern Kanto for male and Kyushu region for female. As the results of multiregional population projection the peak pupulation of Fukuoka prefecture was estimated at 5.08 millions in the year 2005 and the highest proportion of age 65 and over was expected to exceed 20% slightly in the year 2020.
- 日本民族衛生学会の論文
重松 峻夫
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