- 論文の詳細を見る
It is primarily important to evacuate the intracerebral hematoma with less brain damage in the surgical treatment of hypertensive intracerebral hematoma. From the increasing experience of subacute (8-30 days after attack) and chronic cases (2-5 months after attack), the intracerebral hematoma at these stages was found to be liquefied.<BR>Taking it into consideration that the pressure effect due to intracerebral hematoma could be reduced only by aspiration of the hematoma with puncture into the hematoma cavity, we applied this operating method for 5 cases.<BR>Case 1: <BR>A 71-year-old man became drowsy and 1-hemiplegic immediately after attack. Ten days after, he was aspirated 20 ml of hematoma by needle puncture. He became able to walk without help 6 months after the operation and returned to his work one year after.<BR>Case 2: <BR>A 62-year-old man was semicomatous, and r-hemiplegic on the attack. He improved to stuporous state 13 days after attack and was aspirated 50 ml of intracerebral hematoma. But because of intraventricular rupture of hematoma, he did not show any improvement of r-hemiplegia.<BR>Case 3: <BR>A 69-year-old man was stuporous and l-hemiplegic on the attack. He improved to somnolent 5 days after attack and was aspirated 35 ml of hematoma 17 days after. He became able to walk with a stick 3 months after.<BR>Case 4: <BR>A 23-year-old lady was alert, but r-hemiparetic at the time of attack. She was aspirated 18 ml of intracerebral hematoma 24 days after attack. She returned to her work 2 months after.<BR>Case 5: <BR>A 62-year-old man was alert at the time of attack, but became disorientated, 1-hemiparetic 2 months after. He was aspirated 20ml of hematoma 5 months after attack and returned to his work 2 months after.<BR>The above 5 cases of hypertensive intracerebral hematoma were recognized to be lateral type and intra-sylvian type. From the above good results, this operating method might be applicable for subacute and chronic cases with 20 ml of hematoma and minimal disturbance of consciousness.
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